1. your preferences
In this section of your account you let us know whether you want us to send you vacancies and what requirements you have regarding a job. This way we can send you specific emails with useful vacancies that suit your wishes. In order to do this we want to know:
what kind of jobfunction are you looking for?
how many days do you want to work per week?
and how many hours?
what is the maximum amount of time you are willing to travel for work?
and what is your preferred salary?
With this information we can more easily make a selection of vacancies that are of interest to you. The vacancies we send you will hopefully align very well with your preferred jobfunction!
2. your work experience and education
By letting us know your work experience and eduction, we only send you vacancies that match your resume.
Hence we would like to know: what diploma's do you have? And where have you worked before?
When we are familiar with your resume, we can faster decide if a vacancy suits you or whether you are a better fit for a job that you might not even have considered yet!
Also, if you have not finished your education, or whether you are looking for your very first job, we have plenty of opportunities. So do not worry if this section of your profile is left empty.
3. obtained certificates and proof
Obtained your drivers licence or able to drive with fully loaded trucks? Do you have a reachtruck certificate? Wft-cursus completed? Or maybe finished the VCA-cursus? That's great! All of this means that you receive certificates and diploma's that are very valuable for your resume. Also, if you have completed trainings that are not specifically usefull for the jobfunction that you prefer, that is still very valuable information to us. It all helps us to determine whether you are a good fit to certain vacancies.
Have you heard about our statements of profession? This is an official paper in our name, stating that you have mastered certain tasks for a longer period of time. It is literally a certificate that proofs your work experience. You can apply for one and add it to your profile.
4. your skills and language knowledge
What are you good at? What character traits describe you best? Are you a teamplayer, do you speak French fluently or is analytics your strength? Do you like leading a team into the right direction? Do people describe you as persistant or maybe creative? We want to know!
Everyone has a different skillset. And every job demands other skills. That's why it is super important to know what skills you possess. It helps you in finding out what job fits you. If you need any help by finding out your skillset, take a loot at this usefull list of competencies or try out our personality test!